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Summary of conservation gap analysis scores for all 95 taxa

Target fruit genera: Asimina, Diospyros, Malus, Persea, Prunus
Target nut genera: Carya, Castanea, Corylus, Juglans, Pistacia

See below for definitions of terms used in the figure and a link to download the results

Summary gap analysis chart

Click here to download a spreadsheet of the summary results

All scores are bound between 0 and 100, with 0 representing an extremely poor state of conservation, and 100 representing comprehensive protection.

A star symbol (★) after the taxon’s name signals there were not enough occurrence points to create a species distribution model (SDM). For these taxa, 50 km buffers around occurrence points were used instead of the SDM for all calculations requiring a potential distribution.

In situ conservation scores

SRS in situ ~ Sampling Representativeness Score (SRS) in situ reports the proportion of occurrences which fall within protected areas (WDPA 2019).

GRS in situ ~ Geographical Representativeness Score (GRS) in situ provides a geographic measurement of the proportion of a taxon’s range that can be considered to be conserved in protected areas.

ERS in situ ~ Ecological Representativeness Score (ERS) in situ provides an ecological measurement of the proportion of a taxon’s range that can be considered to be conserved in protected areas.

FCS in situ ~ Final Conservation Score (FCS) in situ is a mean of the three in situ conservation scores.

Ex situ conservation scores

SRS ex situ ~ Sampling Representativeness Score (SRS) ex situ assesses the completeness of ex situ conservation collections, calculating the ratio of germplasm accessions (genebanks and botanical gardens) available in ex situ repositories to reference records for each taxon, making use of all compiled records, regardless of whether they include coordinates, with an ideal (i.e., comprehensive) conservation ratio of 1:1.

GRS ex situ ~ Geographical Representativeness Score (GRS) ex situ provides a geographic measurement of the proportion of a taxon’s range that can be considered to be conserved in ex situ repositories.

ERS ex situ ~ Ecological Representativeness Score (ERS) ex situ provides an ecological measurement of the proportion of a taxon’s range that can be considered to be conserved in ex situ repositories.

FCS ex situ ~ Final Conservation Score (FCS) ex situ is a mean of the three ex situ conservation scores.

Final conservation score

FCS combined ~ Combined Final Conservation Score (FCS) is the average of the FCS ex situ and FCS in situ. The conservation status of the taxon is categorized with regard to the ex situ and in situ conservation scores, and the combined score, with urgent priority for further conservation action assigned when FCS < 25, high priority where 25 ≤ FCS < 50, medium priority where 50 ≤ FCS < 75, and low priority for taxa whose FCS ≥75.

Landing page
Taxon-level conservation summaries
References, resources, and additional data

This work was led by Emily Beckman Bruns, Colin Khoury, Nan McCarry, Abby Meyer, Ray Mims, and Emily Warschefsky, and funded by the United States Botanic Garden. Emily Beckman Bruns was also supported by NSF ABI grant #1759759. Additional thanks to San Diego Botanic Garden, Botanic Gardens Conservation International - US, The Morton Arboretum, and Missouri Botanical Garden for providing organizational support.

March 2023

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